Why is your home inspector like a trusted “doctor” for your home?
I am very fortunate to have had quality medical care throughout my life. This has allowed me to remain very healthy and extremely active. I have sincerely appreciated the sound advice provided to me by experienced medical professionals, who not only accurately diagnosed illnesses but also identified minor issues in the early stages that allowed me to address them before they became major issues.
Your Home Inspector Plays A Vital Role in the Health of Your Home
In some ways, an experienced home inspector is much like that knowledgeable, experienced doctor. Just as you would never want your medical doctor to overlook major issues during your annual physical examination, you would never want your home inspector to overlook major issues during the home inspection.
While you would want your medical doctor to perform a thorough examination of the exterior of your body, including your limbs and skin, during your annual physical, you want your home inspector to perform a thorough examination of the exterior of your home, including siding, roof, porches and windows.
Just as you would want your family doctor to check the performance of your major systems of your body (i.e., heart, lungs, organs) during your annual physical, you want your home inspector to perform a thorough review of your home’s systems, including heating, cooling, electrical, plumbing and even attic ventilation systems.
Just as you would want your trusted medical doctor to perform a thorough examination of your spine, your body’s foundation, you want your home inspector to thoroughly examine your home’s foundation, including beams, floor joists and even rafters in your attic.
Just as you would want your medical doctor to identify current health issues and provide you with sound advice about how to take care of your body as you grow older, you would want your home inspector to not only identify current issues in a home, but to also take the time to look one, three and even five years down the road.
Not all home inspectors do this, but I want my valued clients to understand issues that may occur over time. I also want them to understand when those issues will most likely need to be addressed and how they might affect their budgets.
We have all heard horror stories about how a quick and less-than-thorough physical exam by an inexperienced medical doctor missed early signs of a major disease in a patient. As a home inspector who has performed thousands of inspections, I have seen numerous cases of similar horror stories in homes — major, costly issues that could have been corrected easily and inexpensively if only they had been identified in an earlier inspection.
You Should Trust Your Home Inspector
You trust your family doctor to help you remain healthy through annual check ups. You should also trust your home inspector to help your home remain in good condition for years to come, to keep your family healthy and safe, and to minimize what you spend to maintain your home — by identifying minor issues before they become major, costly issues.
And just as you schedule an annual check up with your doctor, you should schedule a home inspection at least once every three years to help you identify minor issues before they become major issues and potentially very costly.
You can trust your family doctor to take great care of you and your family. You can always trust Housebusters to perform thorough, knowledgeable inspections, to take the time to answer all of your questions and to protect your largest investment!
To learn more about the Housebusters difference, go to www.housebustersinc.com , call our office at 800-847-3500 or schedule an appointment online.
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