When you pay for a home inspection, you are essentially paying for your inspector’s experience, qualifications and training.
While the price of a home inspection may vary slightly among home inspectors, the expertise and experience you are paying for can be like “night and day.”
Many home inspectors today are part-time inspectors who participate in a training course, pay a licensing fee and are then able to advertise as “home inspectors.” Many have limited experience as an inspector or in building construction.
Compare this level of commitment by most part-time inspectors to the strong commitment, extensive experience and prestigious qualifications of Housebusters and Charles Roskovensky:
While Housebusters may not always be the cheapest home inspection around, we know we provide the best value in home inspections and other inspection services (septic, well water, mold, foundation, radon, pest, etc.) because of our extensive experience and qualifications.
To take advantage of this extensive experience and qualifications when purchasing a home, call Housebusters at 800-847-3500 or book online.
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