Did you know that you could cut your overall risk of dying in a fire by over half?
According to the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA), your risk of dying in a house fire is 55% lower if you have working smoke alarms! The key word is, “working.”
Too many people never check their smoke alarms. Too many Americans also never check the batteries in these life-saving devices. You don’t want to learn that they aren’t working when you have a fire in your home. Nearly 4,000 Americans die each year from fire.
The NFPA recommends placing a smoke smoke alarm inside every sleep room and outside each sleeping area in a home and on every level of the home. If your home burns fossil fuels (natural gas, propane, kerosene, wood, coal, fuel oil) for heating or to heat water, you should also have at least one carbon monoxide detector in your home. Specific guidelines about where to place them can be found here.
Here are some great tips for reducing the risk of fire in your home from the National Safety Council: Keep Your Family Safe from Fire.
To prepare for a home fire, you should develop a fire escape plan for your family. Click here for helpful resources!
On Sunday, March 14, 2021, America will return to Daylight Savings Time. This means that clocks will move forward one hour at 2 a.m. When changing your clocks, be sure to replace batteries and check all of the detectors in your home to ensure they are working properly.
Change your clocks. Change your batteries. Check your detectors.
You’re going to do the first one anyway. Do the next two and significantly reduce your risk (and your family’s risk) of dying in a fire.
Housebusters is proud to provide these helpful, life-saving tips to area residents!
Please call us at 800-847-3500 to schedule all of the inspection or testing services needed when buying a home. You can also book online!
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