If you’re planning on closing on a new home in December or January, you’re likely feeling a little “rushed.”
With the Holidays just around the corner, how can you get everything done that you need to get done? How can you get everything done in a few short weeks, while having enough time left to purchase gifts and attend family or company get togethers?
Housebusters can help!
With one call to Housebusters at 800-847-3500, you can schedule all of the inspection services needed to buy a home. Yes, we perform home inspections, but we can also perform all of your other needed inspection services, including your septic test, mold test, foundation certification, well water test, indoor air quality sampling, radon test and even your pest inspection. By making one call — instead of a half dozen or more — you can save hours of your precious time. No matter what loan program you’re using to finance your home — from FHA to HUD, VA and even 203(k) — we can save you time! We can perform all of your needed inspections and likely save you money!
Call Housebusters at 800-847-3500 to schedule all of your needed inspection services. You can also book online!
Save time this Holiday Season by choosing Housebusters!
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