We finally made it to May, after a long, cold winter and the start of Spring. Warmer weather is finally here to stay.
If you’re buying a home this month, we hope you will contact us for all of your needed inspection services. These include your home inspection, to your well water test, septic test, foundation certification, radon test, mold test and even pest inspection. Housebusters can perform all of these needed services for you. And we can likely save you money and make your life more convenient, as opposed to your calling multiple professionals to perform these services for you in multiple trips to the home. No matter what loan program you will be using to finance your home (i.e., VA, HUD, 203(k), HUD), we can perform all of your needed inspection services.
As a small, family-owned business, we work hard every day to provide our clients with more value for their hard-earned dollars, while also finding ways to save them money short-term and long-term.
If you or members of your family suffer from allergies and asthma, you may want to have your indoor air tested. Our indoor air sampling can tell you exactly what you and your family are breathing every day. In many cases, we can provide low-cost recommendations that can significantly improve your indoor air quality! Our goal isn’t to scare homeowners, but to educate, inform and actually help them!
May is also the month for one of our nation’s most important holidays — Memorial Day. Housebusters is proud to offer a discount every single day to active members of our military, veterans and our nation’s, state’s and communities’ first responders (i.e., police and firefighters) every day of the year for every single service we offer.
To contact us, simply call our toll-free number, 1-800-847-3500, or schedule our services online.
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