One of the things we take great pride in is the number of 5-star online reviews we’ve received from our very satisfied clients all over the region. Just doing a quick check using Google Maps and searching for Housebusters Inspection Services, we see that we likely have more 5-star online reviews than any other company of our kind in the area. In the Bridgeport, West Virginia, area alone on Google, we have 88 online reviews! We currently have 29 reviews and recommendations on our Facebook page.
A large number of reviews means that the inspector or inspection services company has served a large number of customers and isn’t “just starting out.” It also means that the inspector hasn’t simply asked “friends and family” to submit reviews to make it appear he or she has a lot of very happy clients.
If they’ve been in business any length of time, any professional will receive a negative review. If you’re in business, you soon learn that you can’t please everyone, even if you try to do this with every single customer interaction. If anything, a negative review makes the reviews more “real.” Instead of focusing on the negative review, focus on how the professional responded. Did he or she respond and attempt to resolve the issue? The manner in which a professional responds — as well as a large number of very positive reviews showing a pattern of extremely satisfied customers over a period of years — will reveal a lot more about the quality of the professional than a negative review.
Our advice is to take the time to read a dozen or more online reviews before hiring any professional, whether it’s an attorney, a CPA or a home inspector. Check to see if there is a consistent pattern of satisfied, very happy clients and customers over a long period of time — and why they feel the way they do. A 5-star review is pretty much meaningless, unless the client explains why he or she is very satisfied. After checking reviews, take the time to call the professional and get to know him or her better in terms of qualifications, experience and training.
Lastly, be very leery of any professional who might badmouth another professional. Each professional should be able to explain why he or she should be the best choice for you — without resorting to denigrating another professional.
When hiring any professional, invest the time to do your research. It’s your money; you should spend it wisely.
To learn more, feel free to call us at 800-847-3500. We are very happy to share more about our qualifications, experience and training, as well as what we examine in our inspections. You can also schedule inspections online with Housebusters!
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