Whenever you purchase a home, you’ll face a number of expenses, including for an appraisal, closing costs, homeowners insurance and the down payment on your new home.
But perhaps the best money you will spend when buying a home is for your home inspector. (I know, you might think we’re a little biased since we perform home inspections, but the reality is that this one of the few expenditures designed to protect you.) Let us explain.
A quality, experienced home inspector will not only help you to decide if you’re making a wise buying decision, but can also help you to learn more about maintenance on your home, your home’s safety features and even what repair costs you might encounter in the years to come. A home inspector with a strong construction background can also help you to determine how to approach repairs in the future in the most cost-efficient way, while also helping you to determine what these repairs might actually cost you and your family. A quality home inspector with a strong background in energy efficiency can also make recommendations to help you save money each and every month on your energy bills. Never discount this experience because it can save you money!
The truth is that not all home inspectors are the same. Many inspectors have completed the absolute minimum to become a home inspector, while a few others have the extensive experience and qualifications that can guide you as you purchase your home.
While we hope you would choose Housebusters to perform your home inspection and all the other inspection services needed to purchase a home (septic, well water, foundation, mold, pest, radon, etc.), we urge you to check the qualifications and experience of any home inspector you might consider, to check online reviews in order to determine the level of satisfaction from previous clients. You will want to make an informed decision when you select your inspector. One call to an inspector can tell you a lot about his or her qualifications and experience — as well as his or her willingness to work with you through the process of buying a home.
After all, as we have explained in this blog, this is probably the best and most important money you will spend when purchasing a home!
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