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Trust Housebusters!

Each month, it seems that two or three more people in our area decide to become “home inspectors.”  To become a licensed home inspector in many states, one only needs to take a course, pass a test, pay a licensing fee and obtain basic insurance. In a few states, even these basic steps are not required.  Believe it or not, many part-time home inspectors have limited knowledge about home construction and energy efficiency!

Instead of doing the absolute minimum to become a home inspector, Housebusters’ Charles Roskovensky stands head and shoulders above most in the profession!

Charles is a former general contractor with a career that spans over 50 years — from 1966.  He has designed, constructed and renovated homes, commercial buildings, and industrial buildings. Charles is an ASHI Nationally Certified Home Inspector and a former National Trainer and Auditor with the Building Performance Institute.  He has also been a National Trainer for the National Association of Home Builders.

He has also provided energy efficiency training for the National Association of Home Builders and for the West Virginia Division of Energy, including training West Virginia Code Officials and home builders across West Virginia.

What does all of this mean?

  • Charles knows energy efficiency.
  • Charles knows construction — from residential homes to commercial and industrial buildings.
  • Charles knows how to share what he’s learned with others — from homeowners to other home inspectors and even state code officials and home builders.

Charles has the proven experience you can trust to perform your home inspection or an inspection for a commercial or industrial facility you are in the process of purchasing.

To schedule your inspection, book online.





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